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3 Reasons Why I Waited to Find Out the Sex of Our Baby

I love gender reveals. I love seeing what people came up with to announce their little one to the world. I love seeing their faces when they learn if they will have a son or daughter. Before I got pregnant, I had a whole board on Pinterest of ideas for what our gender reveal would […]

Three Things I Learned in the First Year

My baby turned one today. I’ve been crying all week. Tears of joy, tears of sadness. Just tears. All week.   But as work started up again, I’ve had a daily hour long drive to reflect on Sam’s first year of life and my first year as a parent.   As a human, Sam’s doing […]

Bump Jealousy

I always have a plan. I have ideas set in my head of how things will look and how things will go. And things always happen exactly how I imagine they will.   Just kidding. But what a cool superpower that would be, right?   When I got pregnant, I couldn’t wait for my big […]

To all the C-section mommas who didn’t want it…

To all the C-section mommas who didn’t want it…   I see you. I hear you. I am you.   A c-section delivery was never in my plans. But when my baby needed to be delivered 6 weeks early and his heart rate was dropping, a vaginal delivery wasn’t an option and a c-section became […]

Top 4 Reasons I Love Babywearing

Even before I was pregnant, I knew I was going to be a babywearing mama. It just made sense to me. I wanted to keep baby close, but I had things to do: a house to clean, a job to do, a husband and stepson to love on. Baby, for a while, was just going […]

My Maternity Must-Haves

Everyone has their must haves in life: must have snacks, must have outfits, must have sweets… Pregnancy is no different. As the weeks went on, my must haves for pregnancy made themselves clear… Full belly coverage pants/shorts – The majority of my big belly time was in the summer. I lived in full belly coverage […]

My Birth Story – Part 2

You can read part 1 here! Being told I was going to have my baby 8 weeks early were the most terrifying words spoken to me in my entire life. I wasn’t ready. Baby wasn’t ready. This wasn’t right. On the second day of my hospital stay, I cried to my husband that we hadn’t […]

My Birth Story – Part 1

I had the perfect pregnancy, right up until the moment I didn’t. When my husband, Josh, and I decided we were ready to start trying for our first baby, we expected it to take a few cycles. Little did we know, as we threw out my birth control pills on Christmas morning, I would get […]

Accepting My Breastfeeding Journey

When I found out I was pregnant, I already knew that “breast is best” when it came to feeding your baby. Even if I didn’t, they would have let me know at my first birthing class. I was so excited to experience the “golden hour” after my child’s birth bonding and experiencing that magical first […]