Top 9 Newborn Must Haves
With baby number 2 on the way, I’ve been going through blogs and registry suggestions to see what the newborn must haves are. Some of the lists are endless. I remember feeling so overwhelmed as a first time mama with all these lists of things I “needed” for my baby to survive. With the first one under my belt, I’ve realized some things I thought of as “essentials,” I didn’t use. This list is for my minimalist mamas with small houses who just need what they need.
1. Travel System – I did so. much. research. when looking for a travel system. This is one of those things I feel it might be necessary to do all that research so you have peace of mind. A baby travel system was essential for us, particularly as first time parents, because it had a stroller, a bucket seat, and a base wrapped up in one large box. They tended to be a little cheaper than buying each individually, so it just made sense. For baby number 2, we will be purchasing a double stroller (with tandem seating, just a personal preference) since we already have the bucket seat from Sam. **Be sure to check that your carseat from your previous child(ren) has not expired and has no recalls so it is still safe for baby!)**
2. Baby Carrier – Or three… Baby carriers became a quick newborn must have in our family once we came home from the NICU. Sam wasn’t quite big enough for the beautiful, soft-structured Lillebaby carrier I had purchased, so we quick did some research and realized I could snuggle my tiny baby in a Baby K’tan wrap. I also eventually purchased a ring sling for easy ups when he got a little bigger. You may not need three baby carriers, but you may want to look into one. Having my son in a carrier made it so much easier to do things, but still snuggle my baby. I’m imagining while chasing a toddler, a baby carrier might be my number one newborn must have.
3. Video Monitor – Why wouldn’t you take advantage of the technology we have today in the form of a video monitor. There are tons of these online and you can go however high-tech or low-tech you want. I love the video monitor option when baby is sleeping in a different room. Hearing your baby is awesome, but being able to see him allowed me a different peace of mind.
4. Zipper Swaddles – These are life-changers and I don’t know why I tried to swaddle my baby any other way. During the day, blanket swaddles were fine. I could take my time and re-do it the four times required to get it right. In the middle of the night after I had just fed my baby and pumped for 20 minutes, no thank you. Zipper swaddles zipped right up, velcro-ed baby in nice and tight, and mama was back to sleep!
5. Healing Ointment – I think all moms have some favorite healing ointment or diaper rash cream that they swear by. My aunt always swore by Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream for everything from sore nipples to diaper rash. I love Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment. Ask some of your friends and try a few different healing ointments in travel size to see what you and baby prefer. It won’t be long until you’re swearing by one healing ointment for your newborn must haves list.
6. Breast Pads / Breast Pump / Bottles / Formula / Etc. – This list could get long, but hear me out. The way you planned to feed your baby may not always be the way it turns out to be. After my experience, it might just be safest for you to have multiple options ready in case things don’t go as planned. More than likely, your insurance will provide a breast pump to you for free. You could sign up for formula samples, or ask for some for the hospital. Don’t be afraid to speak up and make sure you and baby are being taken care of. When it comes to feeding baby, have plans A-Z and be ready to accept them all.
7. A Nose-Sucking Device – At some point, your little bundle of joy is going to turn into a little bundle of boogers. I don’t know, it just happens. At that point, you’ll need a way to get those boogers out of there. The hospital will send you home with a blue bulb syringe, we preferred NoseFrida the SNOTSUCKER. Oh yes, that thing is as awesome as it sounds. You stick a tube up your baby’s nose and suck out the snot through a straw. You will not get snot in your mouth so long as you use it properly. Baby may not particularly like it (ok, Sam still screams when we pull it out of the medicine cabinet) but it seemed to be the best way to really clear out those nasal passages. It goes in every baby shower gift I give (whether they registered for it or not) and will forever be on the list of newborn must haves.
8. Bouncing/Vibrating/Swing Combo – This may not be on everyone’s newborn must haves list, but it had to be on mine. Our 1000 sq. ft. house could not handle two or three different baby soothing devices. Even if it could, I wouldn’t want that many. We found a nice option that was small and combined all three soothing options. You may choose not to have a swing, and that’s totally okay too!
9. Baby Tracking App – This isn’t really an “item” but it was definitely a newborn must have for me! Those early newborn weeks are filled with joy, love, hormones, sleeplessness, crying, etc. But whenever you call the doctor, they want a ton of information about how often your newborn is sleeping, eating, wetting diapers, etc. Without a solid newborn tracking app, I would have never been able to provide any information. Even if you’re a pro and won’t be calling the doctor all the time, it’s still good information to have for yourself. Find one that works with your newborn lifestyle. Does it track breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or both? Does it track sleeping or do you not need to track baby’s sleep? Do you find it easy to use? Download a few and figure out what you like.
Now it’s your turn! What were your newborn must haves?