4 Cheap Spring Maternity Leave Activities
Congratulations on your spring baby! What a wonderful time to be on maternity leave! I get the working mom guilt and I know it can set in early, so take advantage of this time!! Even on a budget, there are plenty of spring maternity leave activities.
- Go to the zoo: I love the zoo and it is a perfect way for a new mama to get out and enjoy the fresh air. Zoos are family-friendly and many offer places for new moms to breastfeed and/or pump. Pack up the stroller or carrier and enjoy a wonderful afternoon with baby!
- Check out your local museum: The local museum in our city is free to residents and I love taking the boys there whenever I can. Museum’s often have free activities or events happening and that can make it an extra special trip.
- Visit your county/state/national park: We have county and state parks near us, but you might be lucky to have a national park near you. We pay the yearly entrance fee to get into our state parks and it leaves endless opportunities for us. Similar to the museum, your park might put on special events that would be perfect for a spring maternity leave activity.
- Go for a walk:
What spring maternity leave activities did you enjoy?